Barbie finds COFFEE
Today, we strolled the heart of Paris at Sunset. The Place de la Concorde, the Luxembourg gardens, the Pont Alexandrine bridge, the Palais Royale, the Egyptian Obelisk, the Seine and the Eiffel Tower romantically sitting off in the distance. Wow, we really are in Paris...

In the Luxembourg gardens we found these amazing sculptures scattered around one side of the garden. We could sit and watch the sunset from here overlooking the busy Place de la Concorde. Notice the pond behind me? When Rocket was a kid her mom brought her here on a Sunday morning to watch all the little French boys sail their wooden sailboats. She was pretty happy to see nothing had changed, the city is timeless. Old and new just rub along great. I thought these hands were amazing, there were several sets from baby to old age. Like Goldilocks and the three bears, it was Barbie and the three hads. These hands were too big.

And this baby hand was too small, but the view behind me is pretty great!

Here I am on the Seine, the party boats and barges ply the water all day and all night. What a view!

Ah, home away from home. Sunset in Paris. Life doesn't get much better than this.
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