More plastic tourist

Check out this traffic--this is roundabout around the Arc du Triomphe--insane drivers and motorcycles. It's called the Etoile which means star because a bunch of different roads ray out in every direction. You just jump in and go until you are shot out the other side--like a rocket breaking free of gravity. We saw very few new cars in Paris. Everyone drives dinged up mangled beaters because the combination of narrow streets and traffic causes uncounted fender benders daily.

I love this view from the red bus. An idiot had parked on top of the crosswalk at the corner and the red bus couldn't get around him. It took three helpers and about ten adjustments to finally squeak by. We all hoped the bus would just clobber the moron but he didn't. Merde.

Check out the gothic towers on the cathedral, they look like lace. And here I am by the Arc due Triomphe just trying to flag a taxi. Hey! Monsieur! Over here...
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