Dear Diary,

Here I am in Brittany, the churches here are amazing. They are old and full of spectacular carvings and cavalries. A cavalry is like a big carved story of Jesus in stone, they are almost like a stone picture book. The gargoyles on the churches are pretty wonderful too, goofy rather than scary.
That's me posing with a lion carved on choir pew in a church in Saint Thegonnec. Breton is a whole separate language and signposts are in Breton and French both. Breton has the same roots as Welsh but there the languages part ways.
Here I am in front of Yolanda and Charlick's house which we just loved. It was the coolest farm and one night we had dinner in their restaurant. The reservations are made months ahead because it is such an amazing place. Charlick was pretty crazy--he looks like an artist--roaming around in a white poets shirt with this head of wildly curly hair that was out of control. Yolanda is an amazing chef. We had one of the best meals ever--the best part was the local hard cider. It comes in those bottles with a reclosable top? It is made by all the farmers in the region and man was it ever good--had just enough kick to make us smile--a lot.
The other picture is a dolmen/menhir/monolith at Carnac. There are fields of standing stones all over Brittany. One of the weirdest moments ever in my short barista life was seeing these. Row after row of stones about four feet high, 2000 of them in one field we saw. In tidy rows they looked like they were planted to grow more stones. Some fields had great big ones scattered around, I'm sitting on a bigger one catching a few rays. They are neolithic and no one knows why they were put here. Oooh. Creepy.

This is the door to the Ossuary in St Thegonnec. There I am at the bottom of the door-enlarge it to see me better. The top of it has a face carved in it. This is inside the parish close. Apparently in the old, old days Churches and grave yards were put together and fenced in probably to keep the devils out? But now, the devils are teenagers who break in and steal from the churches and sell what they take or just break it. Sad, after a 1000 years of being open a lot of churches are now kept locked.
au revoir for now,
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