Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Fighting Cabin Fever or dumb and dumber

This weekend we decided we had cabin fever. This has been a record wet winter, going on 22 days of rain and that's just weird. Gray, yes but this gray and wet are not normal and after 3 weeks neither are we. We packed up the dog and the car and decided to go down to the beach for the day and visit T.'s cousin in Ocean Shores.

I wonder about these people. It's gray, it's wet and they decide a good outing is to go to a gray, wet, cold beach? Hmmmm..... The weather was supposed to be a little drier but they lied and as usual it was drippy wet. We went anyway and the dog had the most fun. Luckily they didn't throw me for the dog to chase, teeth marks would not add to my appeal at all. I mean, I may be plastic but still....

This dog has obsessive ball disorder, OBD, and she will chase anything and fetch it back until someone falls over in a faint from exhaustion or from disgust at having to touch spit soaked sand covered tennis balls. Great, Tor just announced she poops sand for two days after we go to the beach, like I really wanted to know that.

The beaches in Washington are by and large ugly. Okay, maybe they are beautiful in a sort of gray minimalist way, but being from California and being plastic I think they are ugly and I cannot get over the idiots in big trucks with mullets roaring down the beach. Who are these people and where did they come from?

This time of year there are huge logs thrown up on the shore by storms and high tides and just seeing them would keep me away from the water. They do add a certain picturesque element to otherwise dreary scenery though so I had to pose on a few of them. Luckily for me being plastic meant I didn't freeze like everyone else. I also dried out rather more quickly than they did too.

We went back to the home of the cousin's and had fresh French onion soup whipped up by a Frenchman named what else? Frenchie. The smell was heavenly and with a little red wine I was reminded of my time in France this summer. After dinner back out to the rain to climb in the car for the trek home in the dark and a new bout of cabin fever. Sigh.....


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