Go West Young Plastic Barista!
We visited the Bonneville dam and their sturgeon pond and saw this GIANT fish. Security around the dam was very tight and we were really glad to see that. The fish hatchery and the rearing ponds are beautiful, they look more like a garden full of flowers than a fish hatchery.

We found this great train museum in the middle of the gold and ghost town country. Not a soul around for miles. The whole place was empty on the weekday morning we explored it.

Tman and Barbie posing inside a covered wagon in eastern Oregon out in the desert past Whitney and the other ghost towns.

Okay, I've heard of grasshoppers and barhoppers, but this is a BARBHOPPER. One of a bazillion grasshoppers in eastern Oregon. It's amazing there is any wheat left there are so many of these around.
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